2025 | |
January | Frank Cervera and taxonomy of the genus Phragmipediumin |
2024 | |
September | Albert V. Tamashausky and Cave Orchids |
Spetember | Kim Feddersen - orchidholic |
June | “How Plants Grow Explained in Human Terms” by Christopher Satch at June 9th meeting. |
March | To divide or not to divide? |
2023 | |
August | Greg Griffis of Longwood Gardens |
June | Sharing Pat Kent’s Orchid Set Up |
March | Richard Ho - Introduction to Asian Cymbidiums. |
January | Bill Stender - 17 years growing orchids. |
2022 | |
December | North Jersey Orchid Society Show and Sale. |
September | William Stedner - How to Think Like an Orchid. |
July | Native orchids of the Northeast. |
May | Free online event June 18, 2022. |
April | Kim Feddersen speaks about Cattleya. |
February | The Orchid Show: Jeff Leatham's Kaleidoscope. |
January | Growing Phals -the Basics of growing the beautiful Moth Orchids. |
2021 | |
November | The Orchid Marketplace. |
October | Autumn and Orchids - Phyllis Freeman. |
September | Tom's Monthly Checklist - September: Back to Reality. |
July | Ludisia Discolor, the Jewel Orchid. |
June | David Sorokowski of Paph Paradise. |
May | Cycnoches, Mormodes, Catasetums recent trends |
April | Orchid Tips and Tricks |
2020 | |
February | Appropriate Pots and Potting materials for Orchids |
2019 | |
December | Holiday Party |
November | Return of the Orchid Sale by Paul Klymko |
October | IPA Northeast Regional Meeting: A Wonderful Success |
September | Important: Be sure to update your shipping address when ordering from Carter and Holmes |
July | APop-Up Greenhouse for summering our orchids by Phyllis R. Freeman |
June | About Ron McHatton and Dendrobiums Demystified |
May | Sarcochilus - These compact relatives of Vandas are gaining popularity |
April | Kim Feddersen - In His Own Words |
March | Photo Extravaganza |
February | Moths, Bees, Birds... and Perhaps People? |
2018 | |
December | Orchids for the Holidays |
2017 | |
November | Restrepia: The Easy Pleurothallid |
October | Kim Feddersen's Lesson in Light |
September | Dendrobiums and Biogeography |
July | Barkeria: A Genus Worth Considering |
June | Lumping and Splitting: what have the taxonomists done for us lately? |
May | Notes on Deciduous Orchids |
April | March Show Ribbons |
March | Announcements |
February | Sobralia: A Central and South American Genus Worth Trying |
2016 | |
December | Chinese Cymbidiums, with Richard Ho |
November | Fall Show and Sale Ribbon Winners |
October | Why I Grow what I Grow, with President Ruth Nattras |
September | Bringing Your Orchids Inside |
July | Silva's Orchids: A Family's Commitment to Growing Quality Plants from Seed |
June | Mechanical Damage |
May | Combatting "The Dwindles" |
April | MHOS Show Ribbon Winners |
March | Temperature Tolerant Orchids for Growers in the Northeastern USA |
February | What is an Orchid? A botanical explanation. |
2015 | |
December | Growing Vandaceous Orchids in the Northeast: Notes from Kim Feddersen's Presentation |
November | Blue Orchids |
October | Growing Orchids in China 1,000 years ago.; Roots with Greg Griffis: Notes from the Ultimate Culture Talk |
September | Bringing Orchids Indoors at the End of Summer |
June | Alan Koch's Advice on Brazilian Cattleya Species |
May | Summering Orchids Outdoors & Orchid Ensembles, Part I |
April | Deciduous Orchids |
March | Growing Cold: Tips for cold-growing orchids |
February | Taxonomy Notes, Part III: Sedirea Japonica becomes Phalaenopsis Japonica |
January | Taxonomy Notes, Part II: Taxonomy vs Phylogeny |
2014 | |
December | Taxonomy Notes, Part I: Why Taxonomy? |
November | Business & Announcements |
October | Business & Announcements |
September | Announcements |
June | Announcements |
May | Neem Oil, by Susan Jones |
April | Bus trip! |
March | MHOS News |
February | Dennis goes to Ecuador! |
January | Repotting without Fear! by Gary Vellenzer |
2013 | |
December | I check their leaves, I water their roots... |
October | Glass Orchid Art |
September | Orchid Apps for your Smart Phone |
June | Summer Events |
May | Meeting News |
March | Temperature Ranges |
January | How do YOU grow orchids. |
2012 | |
December | Holiday potluck dinner and other events |
November | Speaker Larry Desiano President for Deep Cut Orchid Society and Gordon W. Dillon - Richard C. Peterson Memorial Essay Contest |
October | MHOS News |
September | Diagnosis Day with Lawrence Schweitzer, MD |
June | IPA Regional Speakers' Days |
May | Orchid Events in the Region |
April | Photos of MHOS Spring Show & Sale and New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show |
March | Guidelines for Selling at the MHOS Show & Sale. Answer to questions about tree fern fiber. |
February | Announcements |
January | Oncidium sotoanum Hybrids on our Recent Show Tables, by Isabel Lopatin |
2011 | |
December | 2012 AOS Calendar to feature Miniature Orchids |
November | Checklist for November & December |
October | Coelogyne, by John Rashak |
September | Cattleya Hybrids, by John Rashak |
June | Cattleyas, by John Rashak |
May | Orchids and Stress, by John Rashak |
April | Problems with Orchid Leaves, by John Rashak |
March | Orchid Pests, by John Rashak |
February | Seasonal Orchid Care, by John Rashak |
January | Temperature Variations, by John Rashak |
2010 | |
December | Orchids, Temperature, and Sunlight, by John Rashak |
November | Fertilizer, by John Rashak |
October | Orchid Seeds Begin Life with the Color Green, by John Rashak |
September | I've Got This Orchid - now what do I do? Six easy tips |
June | Meristems and Pollination, contrbuted by John Rashak |
May | Orchids in time, contrbuted by Deborah Medenbach |
April | Orchid Chromosomes, contrbuted by John Rashak |
March | Keikis, Stem Sections, and Basal Growths, contrbuted by John Rashak |
February | Orchids can propagate vegetatively, contrbuted by John Rashak |
January | Diversity of Orchids, contributed by John Rashak |
2009 | |
November | Potting Notes, contributed by John Rashak |
September | Bringing Orchids Inside, contributed by John Rashak |
July | Summering Orchids Outside, contributed by John Rashak |
June | Unusual Growing Environments, contributed by John Rashak |
May | Orchids' Natural Tendency to Hybridize, contributed by John Rashak |
April | Orchid Flowers, contributed by John Rashak |
March | Orchid Roots, contributed by John Rashak |
February | Orchid Leaves, contributed by John Rashak |
January | Orchid Growth Habits, contributed by John Rashak |
2008 | |
December | Orchids: A Mixture of Adventure and Science, contributed by John Rashak |
November | Biodiversity of Orchids, contributed by John Rashak |
October | Adaptability of Orchids, contributed by John Rashak |
September | Terrestrial Orchids, contributed by John Rashak |
July | Longevity of Orchids, by Ernest Hethrington |
June | Seasonal Orchid Care, from rePot Me.com |
May | Calanthe and Caladenia, contributed by John Rashak |
April | News from the Tokyo Dome Show, contributed by Michael Sinn |
March | Orchids and the Color Red, contributed by John Rashak |
February | Intro to Cypripediums, contributed by John Rashak |
January | Interesting notes contributed by John Rashak |
2007 | |
December | Cymbidium: a genus of 52 evergreen species, contributed by John Rashak. |
November | Bulbophyllum (shortened to “bulb” in the trade journals) is the largest genus in Orchidaceae, contributed by John Rashak. |
October | Orchids date to time of the dinos. |
September | September & October Checklist: The AOS thanks Ned Nash and James Rose |
August | A New Orchid Guidebook is available |
July | July/August Checklist |
June | Holiday and Vacation Considerations for Your Orchid Collection |
May | GNYOS Bus Trip |
April | March Sale |
March | Kind Thanks from our Local Judging Center |
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