Welcome to the Mid-Hudson Orchid Society


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January Frank Cervera and taxonomy of the genus Phragmipediumin
September Albert V. Tamashausky and Cave Orchids
Spetember Kim Feddersen - orchidholic
June “How Plants Grow Explained in Human Terms” by Christopher Satch at June 9th meeting.
March To divide or not to divide?
August Greg Griffis of Longwood Gardens
June Sharing Pat Kent’s Orchid Set Up
March Richard Ho - Introduction to Asian Cymbidiums.
January Bill Stender - 17 years growing orchids.

December North Jersey Orchid Society Show and Sale.
September William Stedner - How to Think Like an Orchid.
July Native orchids of the Northeast.
May Free online event June 18, 2022.
April Kim Feddersen speaks about Cattleya.
February The Orchid Show: Jeff Leatham's Kaleidoscope.
January Growing Phals -the Basics of growing the beautiful Moth Orchids.

November The Orchid Marketplace.
October Autumn and Orchids - Phyllis Freeman.
September Tom's Monthly Checklist - September: Back to Reality.
July Ludisia Discolor, the Jewel Orchid.
June David Sorokowski of Paph Paradise.
May Cycnoches, Mormodes, Catasetums recent trends
April Orchid Tips and Tricks

February Appropriate Pots and Potting materials for Orchids

December Holiday Party
November Return of the Orchid Sale by Paul Klymko
October IPA Northeast Regional Meeting: A Wonderful Success
September Important: Be sure to update your shipping address when ordering from Carter and Holmes
July APop-Up Greenhouse for summering our orchids by Phyllis R. Freeman
June About Ron McHatton and Dendrobiums Demystified
May Sarcochilus - These compact relatives of Vandas are gaining popularity
April Kim Feddersen - In His Own Words
March Photo Extravaganza
February Moths, Bees, Birds... and Perhaps People?

December Orchids for the Holidays

November Restrepia: The Easy Pleurothallid
October Kim Feddersen's Lesson in Light
September Dendrobiums and Biogeography
July Barkeria: A Genus Worth Considering
June Lumping and Splitting: what have the taxonomists done for us lately?
May Notes on Deciduous Orchids
April March Show Ribbons
March Announcements
February Sobralia: A Central and South American Genus Worth Trying

December Chinese Cymbidiums, with Richard Ho
November Fall Show and Sale Ribbon Winners
October Why I Grow what I Grow, with President Ruth Nattras
September Bringing Your Orchids Inside
July Silva's Orchids: A Family's Commitment to Growing Quality Plants from Seed
June Mechanical Damage
May Combatting "The Dwindles"
April MHOS Show Ribbon Winners 
March Temperature Tolerant Orchids for Growers in the Northeastern USA
February What is an Orchid?  A botanical explanation.

December Growing Vandaceous Orchids in the Northeast: Notes from Kim Feddersen's Presentation
November Blue Orchids
October Growing Orchids in China 1,000 years ago.; Roots with Greg Griffis: Notes from the Ultimate Culture Talk
September Bringing Orchids Indoors at the End of Summer
June Alan Koch's Advice on Brazilian Cattleya Species
May Summering Orchids Outdoors & Orchid Ensembles, Part I
April Deciduous Orchids
March Growing Cold:  Tips for cold-growing orchids
February Taxonomy Notes, Part III: Sedirea Japonica becomes Phalaenopsis Japonica
January Taxonomy Notes, Part II:  Taxonomy vs Phylogeny

December Taxonomy Notes, Part I:  Why Taxonomy?
November Business & Announcements
October Business & Announcements
September Announcements
June Announcements
May Neem Oil, by Susan Jones
April Bus trip!
March MHOS News
February Dennis goes to Ecuador! 
January Repotting without Fear! by Gary Vellenzer

December I check their leaves, I water their roots...
October Glass Orchid Art
September Orchid Apps for your Smart Phone
June Summer Events
May Meeting News
March Temperature Ranges
January How do YOU grow orchids.

December Holiday potluck dinner and other events
November Speaker Larry Desiano President for Deep Cut Orchid Society and Gordon W. Dillon - Richard C. Peterson Memorial Essay Contest
October MHOS News
September Diagnosis Day with Lawrence Schweitzer, MD
June IPA Regional Speakers' Days
May Orchid Events in the Region
April Photos of MHOS Spring Show & Sale and New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show
March Guidelines for Selling at the MHOS Show & Sale. Answer to questions about tree fern fiber.
February Announcements
January Oncidium sotoanum Hybrids on our Recent Show Tables, by Isabel Lopatin

December 2012 AOS Calendar to feature Miniature Orchids
November Checklist for November & December
October Coelogyne, by John Rashak
September Cattleya Hybrids, by John Rashak
June Cattleyas, by John Rashak
May Orchids and Stress, by John Rashak
April Problems with Orchid Leaves, by John Rashak
March Orchid Pests, by John Rashak
February Seasonal Orchid Care, by John Rashak
January Temperature Variations, by John Rashak

December Orchids, Temperature, and Sunlight, by John Rashak
November Fertilizer, by John Rashak
October Orchid Seeds Begin Life with the Color Green, by John Rashak
September I've Got This Orchid - now what do I do? Six easy tips
June Meristems and Pollination, contrbuted by John Rashak
May Orchids in time, contrbuted by Deborah Medenbach
April Orchid Chromosomes, contrbuted by John Rashak
March Keikis, Stem Sections, and Basal Growths, contrbuted by John Rashak
February Orchids can propagate vegetatively, contrbuted by John Rashak
January Diversity of Orchids, contributed by John Rashak

November Potting Notes, contributed by John Rashak
September Bringing Orchids Inside, contributed by John Rashak
July Summering Orchids Outside, contributed by John Rashak
June Unusual Growing Environments, contributed by John Rashak
May Orchids'  Natural Tendency to Hybridize, contributed by John Rashak
April Orchid Flowers, contributed by John Rashak
March Orchid Roots, contributed by John Rashak
February Orchid Leaves, contributed by John Rashak
January Orchid Growth Habits, contributed by John Rashak

December Orchids: A Mixture of Adventure and Science, contributed by John Rashak
November Biodiversity of Orchids, contributed by John Rashak
October Adaptability of Orchids, contributed by John Rashak
September Terrestrial Orchids, contributed by John Rashak
July Longevity of Orchids, by Ernest Hethrington
June Seasonal Orchid Care, from rePot Me.com
May Calanthe and Caladenia, contributed by John Rashak 
April News from the Tokyo Dome Show, contributed by Michael Sinn
March Orchids and the Color Red, contributed by John Rashak
February Intro to Cypripediums, contributed by John Rashak
January Interesting notes contributed by John Rashak

December Cymbidium: a genus of 52 evergreen species, contributed by John Rashak.
November Bulbophyllum (shortened to “bulb” in the trade journals) is the largest genus in Orchidaceae, contributed by John Rashak.
October Orchids date to time of the dinos.
September September & October Checklist: The AOS thanks Ned Nash and James Rose
August A New Orchid Guidebook is available
July July/August Checklist
June Holiday and Vacation Considerations for Your Orchid Collection
May GNYOS Bus Trip
April March Sale
March Kind Thanks from our Local Judging Center

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